Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.
West Virginia State University
"We've Come This Far By Faith "
Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.
For additional Information, please visit
Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. was founded at Morgan State College In Baltimore, Maryland on October 12, 1962.
Our Mission
Is to educate and empower the people in our communities, especially young black men.
Our Vision
Then , as now, there was a need for an organization of college educated men who wanted to create their own path. Our Founders started Groove Phi Groove to promote academic awareness, to create effective leaders and to alleviate social and economic problems, especially those affecting black boys and men.
Groove Phi Groove has continued to grow, establishing chapters across the country, with our membership now reaching into the tens of thousands. Size alone, however, doesn't define us. As an organization, Groove Phi Groove is unique because of 5 key attributes.
Groove Phi Groove has an incomparable bond of brotherhood that exceeds what you will find elsewhere. Many other black fraternal organizations were founded in the early 1900s, when few balcks went to college, Other organizations portray themselves as elite, replicationg a European fraternal model.
Conversley, Groove Phi Groove was founded in the early 1960s, a time of great unrest and change in black America. The Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam and other activist organizations have significantly influenced us. To be a Groove is to question and , at times, defy tradition and authority.
Everything from our name to our shield stands out. Yes, we are college educated men. But more than that, we are like-minded individuals who want to make a difference on our campuses and in our communities. We are inspired by giants like Nelson Mandela, Malcom X, and Stokley Carmichael, each of whom was derided as a radical at one time.
When you join us, we will stand beside you at all times, when you get married, go to the hospital and even when you undertake your final journey to eternity. Our brotherhood is unparalleled. We know it and so should you.
Community Service
More important than who we are is what we do. We exist to serve others, especially young black men seeking an education. Our signature community service program is The Groove Leadership Academy, whereby our graduate chapters adopt a high school in order to mentor and provide scholarships to juniors and seniors.
We use our 501(c) (3) IRS charitable arm, The Groove Fund, to provide scholarships to college and college bound students. Our work to increase the number of strong black men in America defines who we are.
It's not enough just to become a Groove. Rather , the primary reason to become a member is to be an activist. We want to create opportunities for the black sons of America. If you want to help African-American boys become men and empoiwer the black communioty by participating in voter registration drives, AIDS awareness campaigns and the fight against illiteracy, then you are for us and we are for you.
We also believe in helping ourselves. We have members who are lawyers, ministers, doctors and elected officials. Having been around since 1962, however, we also have members who have experienced the pain and misfortune of alcohol addiction, unemployment and the loss of loved ones. We will never deny or turn our backs on you when, not if, you fall on hard times, because hard times eventually happen to all of us. During good times or bad, to find help you can access Project Grooves Associated in Networking .
Personal Growth
If you are already a leader, want to become one, or if you simply want to grow and develop, then Groove is for you. As a relatively young organization, there is still room for all types of men, no matter where you are on your personal journey. We believe all Grooves are equal, old and new. We all learn from one another. We will never proclaim that you need us more than we need you. We want and need energetic and visionary men to be join existing chapters and to start new chapters.
Fellowship, Family and Faith
The Fellowship in G Phi G stands for what we do. Whether you are a Groove in New York, California or elsewhere, we like to fellowship with each other and our families have fun and enjoy brotherhood.
We hold annual meetings called Conclaves in places all over the country, sponsor family picnics, attend church and do other things too. Grooves are multidimensional. There is no such thing as a typical Groove. We are both the Yin and the Yang - the Black and the White - and all things in between. We are Grooves.
We are always seeking more college educated men to help with our mission of empowering and educating those on our campuses and in our communities.
For additional Information, please visit
College Educated Men
Empowering and Educating
the People in Our Communities,
Especially Young Black Men

Mailing address:
WVSU Virtual Alumni Graduate Chapter
of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.
P.O. Box 1931
Columbia, South Carolina